Blue Jay Electric Bike Review – A Classic Combination of Old & New!

Blue Jay is known for blending old with new. If you happen to be someone who is in love with the old classic designs but also want them to be integrated with the latest tech? then this brand has everything you have been looking for.

Blue Jay Electric Bike

Blue Jay Electric Bike

  • Light Weight
  • Affordable Price
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When a brand takes the initiative of going with the same design but also infuse it with the latest innovations, that is when you get a beautifully designed and crafted bike like the Blue Jay Electric Bike.

This specific bike is basically an alternative to a car but in a bicycle format. The forward motion in this bad boy is assisted with Bafang’s M400 series 350watt motor that gives this bike all the power you’re going to need. This is not the very best option in the market when it comes to finding solid e-bikes but given its price point and all the other options, we found it to be pretty convenient and moderate.

In this article, we are going to iterate everything you need to know about the Blue Jay Electric Bike. It’s construction, features, durability, versatility, power and everything else that you should know about. When we saw this bike become so popular with the cyclists, we knew we had to test it ourselves. You all know we do our best to bring your informative content when it comes to buying products so here we are.

So, let’s talk about the Blue Jay Electric Bike!

Blue Jay Electric Bike Review (Sep, 2023)

Blue Jay has always been popular for its mid-range bikes. Those who don’t really have a lot of budgets for e-bicycles really find this brand worth spending due to the tons of options it offers.

The Blue Jay Electric Bike is one of the first few electric bikes of the brand that brought it incredible recognition. The bike is famous for its price point and sturdy built quality. We don’t think it will be a good choice for professionals but can prove to be a best friend for beginners.

The power point and battery life of Blue Jay Electric Bike is commendable for its price point and so is its built quality. The frame feels solid yet lightweight. Not to mention, it delivers a very smooth riding experience and you will have no trouble making those difficult twists and turns.

We are mentioning all the features of Blue Jay Electric Bike in a lot more details down below,

Center mount display.

Since this is an electric bike, it comes with an electronic meter that is center mounted. It shows you all the information you need regarding the gear you are on and your speed so you can adjust it as you like. The display is controlled via an intuitively designed thumb console. You can easily control it while riding because it’s placed right next to the handles.

Overall structure.

The structure and frame of the Blue Jay Electric Bike is where it needs massive improvement. Though it doesn’t feel too flimsy, still we think the lightweight frame should be more sturdy. When you’re trying to mount a bike, you will feel the frame shake for a second. This was quite off putting to us. Otherwise, the pedals and tires feel very solid and durable.

Also, just like any excellent bike, the Blue Jay Electric Bike also comes with a rear carrier and an attachment system for added convenience. The overall quality and design of the bike are beautiful. We also love the color contrast, it looks and nicely and calmly when you’re riding on the road for leisure and fun.

Quite versatile.

The Blue Jay Electric Bike can be used on a wide range of terrains including beach, paved and concrete roads, water and even muddy roads. The tires have excellent grip that prevents slippage in all scenarios, giving you complete control over your speed.

Aluminum frame.

To make it lightweight and sturdy at the same time, Blue Jay integrated the bike with an aluminum frame just like all the other high-end bikes. The frame does feel slightly flimsy but the feeling goes away once you start riding. You’re also going to love the battery time. it can last for hours. Also, the motor doesn’t make any noise which was another aspect we absolutely love.

Now you can ride your bike in sheer silence without having to tolerate grinding sound of a motor.

Easy to assemble.

Last but not least, we knew how important assembly is to anyone with no prior experience with mountain biking. But don’t worry, the Blue Jay Electric Bike doesn’t ask too much of your effort.

70% of the bike comes preassembled and the rest is very easy to put together. All you will have to do is attach the tires, the saddle along with the pedals and you’re good to go. And to make the entire process easier, there is a details user manual that will guide you through the entire process.


  • Aluminum frame
  • Lightweight structure
  • Very versatile
  • Easy to assemble
  • Affordable price


  • Saddle feels uncomfortable
  • Plastic pedal

Final verdict.

The Blue Jay Electric Bike is available in different specifications so it can cater people with different heights. Overall build quality and other features of the bike are pretty phenomenal. We absolutely loved how easy it is to drive and how smooth the entire experience was.

The bike also feels quite versatile. You will not have to restrict it to mountain biking only. The bike performs well on concrete and paved roads just as much.

Although, there are certain hitches with the bike. but considering the affordable price and all of the advantages it offers, we would say the hiccups can be tolerated. So, yes, if you’re looking for an affordable yet high-end bike, the Blue Jay Electric Bike is a good choice.